Thursday, 12 February 2015

Fresh new start!

Hey there! 

As you might know, I have finished school and I will be attending university from this year. Actually, in about a week or so. Scary. I was fine at first with the thought of going to University and starting something new, with a new level of challenge in a new environment. 

Recently, I have become more and more nervous about starting Uni. I know a lot of people say to socialise with people to make your life easier, however, I am pretty shy in going up to new people and saying hello. I feel like I might give off the impression of trying to be a wannabe or just come off as annoying haha! 

I guess what I am really nervous about is the level of work. Maybe because I have not been studying for a while now since finishing the HSC, I have forgotten how to concentrate in class and how to study. This actually makes me laugh. How can one forget how to study? Well I certainly have. 

I am hoping that I will be able to adjust to the new adult and independent environment as soon as possible so I can work on re-building my study and concentration skills in the classroom.  University is very different from high school. No one tells you what to do. No one spoon feeds you. It is all up to you. 

I thought that writing about it on my blog just to get it out of my system. If you are starting uni this year then I wish you all the best with it and study hard! 

Bye!  xo 

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