Hey there!
I hope you all are doing well :) I honestly cannot believe it is February already, which means I start university this month. Holy crap!
So welcome to another edition of Chit Chats with Prit. Now I will be honest and say I haven't uploaded any blog posts lately as I just could not think of a good enough topic to talk about. Sorry! Nonetheless, I have something for you.
Everyone has problems in their lives. Whether it be big or small. At home, at work, in friendship groups or with a partner.
That does not mean that if one decides to share with someone or be left alone for sometime, that they are attention seeking. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not.
Yes I do agree that there are people who prefer to keep their problems to themselves but that does in no way mean that those who prefer to speak about it are attention seeking. It just does not add up. Sometimes, it may have been just too much to handle and one MUST BURST! Listen society, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Not everyone is able to hide their problems and smile in front of the world because everyone is DIFFERENT.
Unfortunately in today's society, speaking up about issues is viewed as attention seeking but that is a whole bunch of disgusting rubbish! SPEAKING OUT ABOUT PROBLEMS IS NOT ATTENTION SEEKING! IT IS NOT GAINING FAKE SYMPATHY! It boils my blood to know that we are living in a world which has this type of mentality today.
This thought has led to so many issues such as depression and suicide, all because one cannot express their problems with others because they are scared of being given the tag of an 'attention seeker'. If you are one of those people who like to tag people as attention seekers then you need to reconsider yourself. Just because other people may not be as strong as you doesn't meant they are an attention seeker. That thought is shallow.
Personally speaking, I am the type of person who likes to share my problems with other people because it makes me feel better and there is nothing wrong with that! If you are like me then don't be afraid! PLEASE SHARE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH OTHERS WHO ARE WILLING TO HELP YOU AND LISTEN TO YOU! Some people may prefer to write it down in a diary and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT EITHER!
Share it. It will make you feel better.
Don't be afraid.
Someone will listen to you.
Someone will help you.
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