Wednesday 18 February 2015

MAC Foundation

Hello everyone!

So I have realised that I haven't really posted any makeup reviews for a while so I decided to do one since I have bought a new foundation recently.

On my way to Fiji I picked up the MAC Matchmaster SPF 15 Foundation. To be honest, it has taken me three goes to find the right foundation for my skin and both were lighter than my actual skin tone. Hence, the lesson is if you cannot decide which foundation to buy, go to a makeup store and ask them to find your shade. You might not buy it from them but at least you will know your correct shade and not buy light shades or darker shades like me and look weird haha!

So back to the point, this foundation by MAC is excellent! I mean of course it is since it is MAC. My foundation is a medium coverage and it works well. The formula is so easy to blend into my skin and it honestly does not feel cakey at all! Another thing about this foundation is that if you want to layer it on,  it will still not look cakey like other foundations.

Nonetheless since I am dark toned, I try not to layer the foundation as it makes me look darker than I already. This may also be due to the bad lighting in my room which is why I cannot tell if I look dark or not. So if you do go and buy this foundation make sure that you have good lighting to put it on or just put on a light layer and see how it looks. It might take you a while to get used to it.

Other than that, I really love this foundation and do recommend it. Yes it may be a bit pricy, but it is worth it! :)

Byeee!! xo

Thursday 12 February 2015

Fresh new start!

Hey there! 

As you might know, I have finished school and I will be attending university from this year. Actually, in about a week or so. Scary. I was fine at first with the thought of going to University and starting something new, with a new level of challenge in a new environment. 

Recently, I have become more and more nervous about starting Uni. I know a lot of people say to socialise with people to make your life easier, however, I am pretty shy in going up to new people and saying hello. I feel like I might give off the impression of trying to be a wannabe or just come off as annoying haha! 

I guess what I am really nervous about is the level of work. Maybe because I have not been studying for a while now since finishing the HSC, I have forgotten how to concentrate in class and how to study. This actually makes me laugh. How can one forget how to study? Well I certainly have. 

I am hoping that I will be able to adjust to the new adult and independent environment as soon as possible so I can work on re-building my study and concentration skills in the classroom.  University is very different from high school. No one tells you what to do. No one spoon feeds you. It is all up to you. 

I thought that writing about it on my blog just to get it out of my system. If you are starting uni this year then I wish you all the best with it and study hard! 

Bye!  xo 

Monday 2 February 2015

Chit Chats with Prit- Attention Seeking

Hey there!

I hope you all are doing well :)  I honestly cannot believe it is February already, which means I start university this month. Holy crap!

So welcome to another edition of Chit Chats with Prit. Now I will be honest and say I haven't uploaded any blog posts lately as I just could not think of a good enough topic to talk about. Sorry! Nonetheless, I have something for you. 

Everyone has problems in their lives. Whether it be big or small. At home, at work, in friendship groups or with a partner. 


That does not mean that if one decides to share with someone or be left alone for sometime, that they are attention seeking. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. 

Yes I do agree that there are people who prefer to keep their problems to themselves but that does in no way mean that those who prefer to speak about it are attention seeking. It just does not add up. Sometimes, it may have been just too much to handle and one MUST BURST! Listen society, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Not everyone is able to hide their problems and smile in front of the world because everyone is DIFFERENT. 

 Unfortunately in today's society, speaking up about issues is viewed as attention seeking but that is a whole bunch of disgusting rubbish! SPEAKING OUT ABOUT PROBLEMS IS NOT ATTENTION SEEKING! IT IS NOT GAINING FAKE SYMPATHY! It boils my blood to know that we are living in a world which has this type of mentality today. 

This thought has led to so many issues such as depression and suicide, all because one cannot express their problems with others because they are scared of being given the tag of an 'attention seeker'. If you are one of those people who like to tag people as attention seekers then you need to reconsider yourself. Just because other people may not be as strong as you doesn't meant they are an attention seeker. That thought is shallow. 

Personally speaking, I am the type of person who likes to share my problems with other people because it makes me feel better and there is nothing wrong with that! If you are like me then don't be afraid! PLEASE SHARE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH OTHERS WHO ARE WILLING TO HELP YOU AND LISTEN TO YOU!  Some people may prefer to write it down in a diary and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT EITHER!

Do not pay attention to the tag of being an attention seeker because you are not. No one is. Just because one prefers to share their problems with other doesn't mean they want attention or fake sympathy. 

Share it. It will make you feel better. 

Don't be afraid. 

Someone will listen to you. 

Someone will help you. 

Sunday 25 January 2015

Holiday in Fiji

Hello everyone!

So if you were wondering as to why I haven't posted anything on my blog recently, it was because I was away on a holiday in Fiji!!

I attended a family wedding in Fiji and afterwards travelled around too see other family members and of course enjoyed lovely Denarau. So instead of writing a blog post about how my holiday was, I thought I would share a few pictures.

Enjoy! :)

Monday 12 January 2015

Chit Chats with Prit- Living up to Standards

Hello everyone, 

I hope 2015 is treating you well so far. For me, it has been okay, nothing too exciting. Honestly, I wish I could go back to 2014 just so I could enjoy the times with my friends (not for the HSC!!).

Anyways, so this is the first post of my 'Chit Chats with Prit' series. The reason why I did not post something in this series straight away was because I couldn't really think of a proper topic to start off with. Nonetheless, I thought that maybe I should start off with something that I can properly relate to as it has affected my life significantly.  Just before I start this post off, I just want to make it clear that I have no intention of seeking any sort of sympathetic attention from anyone. The reason for this series is just so I can speak about certain topics which other people and myself may be facing and maybe help those who may be going through a rough time. I also want to use this space as a place where I can speak and clear my mind.

Standards is something which we all come across at some point in our lives. The expectations of people and society can be really daunting and uncomfortable. I guess it just depends on an individuals will power as to how they let standards and expectations affect them. Speaking from experience, and to be very frank, I do not have the essential will power to not let these standards and expectations effect me.

There are a couple of people in my life who are constantly eyeing my family and I regarding what we do, how we act and basically everything. They do not leave a chance to comment on our lives as they believe we are not abiding by THEIR standards and expectations. There was a point last year where I was told by my school counscellor that I am suffering from anxiety due to these people. Trying to follow standards and live up to expectations caused me to not be able to concentrate on my studies and thus it resulted in multiple breakdowns. It goes to show that I am not able to control my thoughts which has resulted in living up to standards and expectations a habit in my life.

I have found that, I have tried living up to EVERYONE'S standards and expectations in my life. Whether that is my parents, family and even friends. Are you the type of person who tries their hardest to make one person happy if they don't like them even though there are about another hundred or so who do you like you? If so, then join the club. I am also that person. I know that there are many people out there who like me for who I am, however, I do tend to run after those who don't like me. Again, it has become a habit.

I have found that because I have been trying to live up to everyone's standards, I have lost who I truly am. Frankly speaking, till this day I still do not know what my personality is and the type of person I am. I cannot define myself. I cannot say that "oh this is me". Why? Because I have so many standards built inside of me.

I do not know if there are other people out there like me but if you are reading and are also like me, then here is a message for you.

My school counscellor told me "there are three types of people in this world...... one, people who like you, two people who don't like you and three, people who will never like you". Thus, it is up to YOU to decide who to give your attention to. I honestly still have to learn this. I have tried to fulfil everyone's expectations, yet it has only ever caused me stress and nothing else.

So just remember, living up to standards and expectations is not necessary. You will lose your true self. Just take a deep breath and keep doing what YOU want to do, not what SOMEONE ELSE wants you to do.

You are your own soul and your own mind.

Please do share your feelings about this issue (you can stay anonymous)

Lots of love,
Pritika xo

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Chit Chats with Prit

Hello everyone! 

Don't you hate it when your mind doesn't function at the necessary times yet when you are in bed wantig to sleep, your mind suddenly gains enormous energy and becomes the Master of Amazing Thoughts?

Yeah well that Master of Amazing Thoughts has led to me to create this page on my blog- "Chit Chats with Prit". I have realised that I am no beauty guru (considering that I still fail at buying good and matching foundation), and that there are much better people out there in the world of Blogging who blog beauty products much better than I do. I'm not saying that I won't be blogging about beauty products as it is something I do enjoy, however, I think that blogging about general and other topics can also be rewarding.

Hence, I have decided to create this section on my blog which will be focused on differnt topics whether it be personal, random, social issues etc. I will not be talking about beauty products on this section of my blog. I feel that I may be able to create a closer connection with my readers (not intending the fact that I have a lot of people reading, it may just be one person but they still count). I want this section of my blog to be a place where my readers and other members of the public can also interact with me and relate to me and other readers.
This is a place where we can discuss issues and just random things which doesn't always  have  to be serious.

So I hope that this page is a success and that I will be able to connect with all of you more.

Also, if you would like to have certain issues or  topics discussed then do leave comments below as well as any questions you would like answered.

I'd love to hear from you all :)

Byeeee!! xx

Sunday 4 January 2015



Happy New Year everyone! I honestly cannot believe that it is already 2015. I'm sure you all have wonderful and adventurous things planned for the year ahead and I wish you all the best for that. Sorry if this post has been late, I have been totally busy with family gatherings and parties etc.

In this coming year I wish to grow my blog with exciting new posts about many different topics. This year I have decided not to make new year resolutions at the beginning of the year but rather set goals throughout the year as I don't seem to follow my new year resolutions :L (c'mon we don't all stick to them all year round right? :L).
However, I do have one goal and that goal is to go and visit LONDON!!! Yes it is my one and only goal and I cannot wait to visit that beautiful city ☺️

I would like to thank those who do read my blog even if there is only a small amount. Either way, thank you! <3

So let's see what 2015 has in store for us!! :D